by tiac | Mar 15, 2024 |
As cloud computing evolves, new data centers need to process increasingly large volumes of data. Optical fiber communications systems are expanding to accommodate the rapidly growing needs of these data centers, which include increased demand for higher-density cables...
by tiac | Sep 23, 2019 |
The 400GE BiDi MSA Group founded in July focuses on promoting interoperable 400GE optical specifications that utilize multi-mode fiber (MMF) for applications up to 100m link distances. The MSA leverages BiDi technology that has been widely deployed by Cisco and others...
by tiac | Sep 3, 2019 |
Sumitomo Electric Lightwave has released the newest addition to the Quantum Fusion Splicer portfolio, Type-Q102-M12. The splicer’s new features and benefits, including consistent, quality low-loss splicing, compatibility with Lynx Custom=fit 2 splice-on...