About the FOTC
Mission Statement
The Fiber Optics Tech Consortium (FOTC) of TIA represents technology leaders committed to providing the most current, reliable, and vendor neutral information about fiber optics and related technologies for advancing new and better communications solutions.
FOTC participation is open to all members in good standing of the TIA. In addition, companies who are not TIA members can participate as Affiliate members.
Each member company is entitled to one voting member, however, companies may have several members attend Section meetings or participate on committees. Any representative has a choice of being on any, all or none of the section’s three committees: Standards, Communications and Membership.
Marketing Assessment
Participating members of the TIA FOTC pay an annual assessment to the Section to help fund communications initiatives. These activities, which are directed by the Communications Committee, include the development of white papers, case studies, trade press articles, and presentations. Companies are welcome to attend meetings without paying the assessment but are not eligible to participate in activities, or to receive materials funded by the assessment. To help ensure that all companies interested in FOTC can participate, two levels of membership are available.