Webinar: Fiber Deep Networks for Today’s Enterprise

Webinar: Fiber Deep Networks for Today’s Enterprise

How can you deliver a reliable 4th Utility connected experience so you can face the demands of a modern network? In this webinar, Corning discusses how optical network solutions provide a future-ready platform that can help support in-building applications like Wi-Fi,...
What are the latest connectivity trends in smart buildings?

What are the latest connectivity trends in smart buildings?

Smart Buildings Magazine vox pop is back, asking one topical question to the industry. The latest question is: What are the latest connectivity trends in smart buildings? This is a great round up article that gathers a number of viewpoints.Sourced through Scoop.it...
Green quadrant IoT platforms for smart buildings

Green quadrant IoT platforms for smart buildings

A recent report from independent research firm, Verdantix, provides an in-depth analysis of IoT platforms for smart buildings answering questions such as: Which IoT platforms for smart buildings will meet the requirements of my organization? Which IoT platforms for...
Cabling future-ready commercial office buildings

Cabling future-ready commercial office buildings

The concept of networking in office buildings evolving from a competitive selling feature to a necessary fourth utility alongside electricity, gas, and water has developed in the last 10 years. The need to enable more instrumentation and control points inside...