by tiac | Apr 27, 2020 |
Join AFL for our three-part webinar series that addresses How High Count Fiber Optics Power Today’s Hyperscale Market. The webinars will take place over sessions and cover the following topics: Hyperscale market applications, Hyperscale solutions and future...
by tiac | Mar 11, 2020 |
To help network operators stay ahead of bandwidth needs driven by 5G, AI and hyperscale data centers, Corning has announced a series of smaller, denser additions to its portfolio of long-haul fiber and cable innovations, including the world’s first smaller-form-factor...
by tiac | Sep 3, 2019 |
Sumitomo Electric Lightwave has released the newest addition to the Quantum Fusion Splicer portfolio, Type-Q102-M12. The splicer’s new features and benefits, including consistent, quality low-loss splicing, compatibility with Lynx Custom=fit 2 splice-on...
by tiac | Aug 26, 2019 |
Rich Soucie, VP of hyperscale & cloud services, CommScope, sat down with DCD’s Sebastian Moss to discuss the company’s $7.4bn acquisition of Arris, what’s different about working with hyperscalers, and more.Sourced through from:...