What is Wavelength Division Multiplexing (WDM) Technology?

Wavelength division multiplexing (WDM) allows multiple wavelengths, typically 2 or 4 wavelengths over a single fiber.  The IEEE 802.3bs 200 Gb/s & 400 Gb/s Ethernet Task Force in 2016 added 200 Gb/s capability to support a cost and performance optimized migration...

How does WDM technology differ from parallel optics?

Whereas Wavelength Division Multiplexing (WDM) utilizes a single fiber, parallel optics uses multiple fibers and lanes at various transmission rates. At the 25G transmission rate and at 100 meters, for example, IEEE’s 400 Gb/s migration path requires 16 lanes (16 MMFs...

Will WDM/SWDM ultimately replace parallel fiber optic solutions?

The consensus among FOTC members is that both solutions will coexist and depend upon specific data center network goals and applications. Employing parallel fiber solutions are currently necessary to transition between speeds, so that breakout capability is...