Edge computing: 5G and more

Edge computing: 5G and more

Edge computing: What is it? At the end of this article, we hope you’ll be able to answer that question. This was written to provide an understanding of the concept, how it underpins 5G, and how it will influence both mobile operators and enterprises. Today,...
5G is Coming and it’s Fortified with Fiber

5G is Coming and it’s Fortified with Fiber

The next generation of wireless tech, 5G, promises a frictionless future: We’ll be able to do whatever we do on our phones much, much faster, and more devices can come online without slowing down the works. Self-driving cars, smart meters that track electricity...
5G networks’ impact on fiber cabling requirements

5G networks’ impact on fiber cabling requirements

5G networks promise to connect people and things through intelligent networks and applications, all generating an immense amount of data. It seeks to provide the best of all performance factors while simultaneously connecting more devices. These network advancements...